by - 9:38 AM


Valentine’s day is just around the corner and everyone’s excited. Well, not everyone but a lot of people are looking forward to getting gifts and going on dates. People are making reservations and getting new outfits but do we even know how this day came to be? Why must I be mad at my boyfriend because he forgot to tell me he loves me on the fourteenth of February with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate?
Most of us are just really interested in the “paparazzi” that comes with the day and we don’t want to feel left out. We want people to know we have our own “LOML” too😏  .
Other people just think they deserve “pampering” 😂.
So let’s just scream at our boyfriends for getting us a box of chocolate instead of the latest iPhone like our girlfriend’s boyfriend did.
Let’s just expect our girlfriend to wear that sexy red (red...cos durhh!) matching (because how’s it sexy if it’s not matching) lingerie and surprise us in bed cos it’s the fourteenth!

I don’t think st Valentine had all these in fact I think he’s rolling in his grave🙄 .
Yes...Valentine’s Day is recognized as a romantic holiday but do we know that it’s religious?
A lot of Christian martyrs were named valentine but there’s one particular Valentine that‘s making Nigerian boys get new boxers every February.
According to, St. Valentine was a priest who was martyred - killed for his faith.
One legend claims that Valentine actually sent a gift which he signed “from your valentine” to a girl he fell in love with after he was jailed who was also his jailer’s daughter. Crazy right? I know!
Another legend contends that in the third century, their ruler - Claudius II outlawed marriage because he believed that single men made better soldiers. Valentine felt this was a great injustice and so he continued performing marriages for young lovers secretly. The ruler found out and then ordered for Valentine to be killed.
Either ways, he still did everything for love and even died because of it.
I believe love is love and so anyone can be your valentine. Love is what’s important. The fact that you’re single doesn’t mean you should feel left out on valentine’s day.
Sure! The gifts are great but it’s the intentions that count the most. No matter how little the gift is, let’s show our appreciation and also learn to give back.

So brothers and sisters, if you’re single don’t feel bad at all. Spend the day talking to Jesus or better still, let your mother or father be your val. They’ve suffered a lot for your sake dear. Step up!

Happy Valentines guys! (Well, in advance) ❤😘

This is my first post guys...please show me some love! I mean it’s the season of love people.
So comment and share !

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

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  1. My Fave��. This is beautiful and I want you to know how much I love and admire you.��

    Same time; next episode yeah?��

  2. Congratulations on your first post!

  3. I enjoyed reading this honestly!! It was captivating❤️

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. PM
    She brought humour to the table and managed to suprise me again.
    Wait til you see the emotions her poems carry then you would understand my comment. Biko hope guest writers are welcome lol

  6. Beeeee.
    Always wowing me with every new thing she writes
